Caught A Cold - Coma Inducer® Oversized Full Comforter - Icicle Cream

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Inspired by skipping work. Let's be clear, we don't advocate missing work days, but sometimes you just don't mind if you "Caught A Cold" and have to call off. Our Caught A Cold Coma Inducer® makes it so you don't have to lie and can actually enjoy staying in bed all day. When your boss says, "why can't you make it to work today?" and you say "Caught A Cold", you technically aren't lying. Not like you'll be asked what kind of cold, which in that case you'd need to say the Coma Inducer® kind, so in our opinion we made the perfect excuse to stay in bed and keep your integrity! Whether anyone actually uses this excuse, it's what we envision is possible when you add our soft cooling Coma Inducer® to your bed. The silky soft hand feel combined with the down alternative puffy and fluffy filling creates an irresistible cloud-like comfort for the coziest sleep.

Once you experience the luxurious comfort of the cooling oversized Full Caught A Cold Coma Inducer® soft comforter in Icicle Cream, your friends, family, and co-workers are going to be worried about how often you're "catching colds." Designed to be the perfect excuse for avoiding your responsibilities, the Caught A Cold extra large full bedding is so addictively comfy, you'll definitely be using it as your rain-check excuse. This affordable machine-washable comforter is made with cooling silky fabric that allows you to stay under your soft bedding essentials all night without overheating.

The soft polyester fill makes for a lightweight extra Large Full comforter that is ideal for warm sleepers, summertime use, and year-round hot climates. No body likes to have to settle for sleeping under a thin Full XL top sheet just to avoid sweating. If you want your head to experience the same cooling comfort as the rest of your body, matching standard cooling shams are available to purchase separately. This means you can deck out your whole cozy Full bed in luxurious cooling Full XL bedding essentials!

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Caught A Cold - Coma Inducer® Oversized Full Comforter - Icicle Cream
Caught A Cold - Coma Inducer® Oversized Full Comforter - Icicle Cream
Caught A Cold - Coma Inducer® Oversized Full Comforter - Icicle Cream

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