Silk Baby - Coma Inducer® Standard Size Pillowcase - Light Gray

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Inspired by smooth luxury. What we rest our heads on at night is important as it's often directly in contact with our face, head, and neck for around 6-8 hours. That much contact with our skin, hair, and head is best endured with a smooth luxury that can best be described as Silk Baby. We could think of nothing better to describe the soothingly soft and smooth touch quite like a baby's skin. This Coma Inducer® luxury pillowcase is made of Chinese Mulberry Silk, which has the natural organic properties that your face and hair need and deserve. Made of 19 momme Mulberry Silk, you can finally rest easy knowing that you are taking care of yourself even while you sleep. As an Added Bonus, this silky pillowcase includes a Bare Bottom® pillow cover for an additional layer of comfort to create an extra soft sleep experience. Place the Bare Bottom® pillow cover on first, followed by Silk Baby and you gain the added interior plush comfort while still maintaining the luxury exterior real silk sleep experience. Enjoy Coma Worthy Sleep® with our Silk Baby Coma Inducer® Pillowcase.

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Silk Baby - Coma Inducer® Standard Size Pillowcase - Light Gray
Silk Baby - Coma Inducer® Standard Size Pillowcase - Light Gray
Silk Baby - Coma Inducer® Standard Size Pillowcase - Light Gray

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